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Doone Morrell

With over 15 years of experience in the solar PV industry, I have installed solar panels on roofs, managed solar farms, and now run my own solar PV company. I am passionate about sustainable energy and excited about the future of solar PV in New Zealand.

Most Recent Posts

How to Buy Solar Panels for Your Home: A First-Time Buyer's Guide

Posted by Doone Morrell on 05/07/24 14:24

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NZ Solar Incentives: Understanding Benefits For Homeowners

Posted by Doone Morrell on 06/12/23 12:27

New Zealand is among the first countries to push for a greener and more sustainable power sector. Solar power adoption is one of the key initiatives in this campaign.

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Solar Power Systems for Commercial Buildings

Posted by Doone Morrell on 06/12/23 12:10

Every business is always looking for ways to reduce their operating costs. One way is the adoption of cheap and sustainable power sources and energy-efficient electrical appliances and machines.

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Say goodbye to soaring electricity bills and say hello to seriously substantial savings!

Posted by Doone Morrell on 14/08/23 10:42

Imagine a world where your electricity bill shrinks to a fraction of what it used to be. A world where you have complete control over your energy consumption, all while contributing to a greener...

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Handy home power saving tips

Posted by Doone Morrell on 17/04/20 14:59

Have you noticed your daily energy consumption increase over this period? or are you looking to optimise your power usage by changing some habits? If so, we have put together 10 simple energy saving...

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5 Tips to make the most of your time at home

Posted by Doone Morrell on 07/04/20 10:13

Staying home is currently our new normal, and although this has been an adjustment the team at World Solar want to help our community productively make use of this time before we all go back to the...

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Selling Excess Power - All You Need to Know

Posted by Doone Morrell on 15/02/19 17:32

All your life you will have spent money on electricity.

But did you know that you can generate your own power and sell it to make money?

We will discuss the details on how exactly this works, but...

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3 Handy Self-sufficient Living Ideas

Posted by Doone Morrell on 11/02/19 17:29

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the term “self-sufficient living”?

Is it living off-the-grid and moving into the woods? Or is it innovatively reducing costs while still...

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Solar power for NZ growers

Posted by Doone Morrell on 19/11/18 15:08

High power bills are a reality for New Zealand growers, and as electricity prices continue to climb, it’s worthwhile to look at alternative energy sources.

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5 ways to keep the energy bill down over summer

Posted by Doone Morrell on 12/11/18 12:00

A study looking at energy usage and expenses for 150 New Zealand dairy farms concluded that the typical farm was using up to 28 per cent more power than necessary. It’s not a new problem for the...

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