Have you noticed your daily energy consumption increase over this period? or are you looking to optimise your power usage by changing some habits? If so, we have put together 10 simple energy saving...
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Posted by Doone Morrell on 15/02/19 17:32
All your life you will have spent money on electricity.
But did you know that you can generate your own power and sell it to make money?
We will discuss the details on how exactly this works, but...
Posted by Doone Morrell on 11/02/19 17:29
What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the term “self-sufficient living”?
Is it living off-the-grid and moving into the woods? Or is it innovatively reducing costs while still...
Posted by Doone Morrell on 19/07/18 15:02
When you get your monthly bill, you know it will be painfully high. But can you ever predict the exact amount?
Posted by Doone Morrell on 01/06/18 11:21
There are many options out there for electric heaters and home heating systems. To get maximum energy efficiency - just like getting the right solar power system - you’ll need to choose one that...
Posted by World Solar on 31/08/17 00:29
David from Otago shares his story of switching his family home to solar.