When you build a brand new house, it's important to think about what you can do to future-proof it. Failing to prepare your house for a greener future could result in spending more money than you...
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Posted by Doone Morrell on 26/06/18 12:00
Building a new house is the adventure of a lifetime. If you’re a bit stressed and nervous about it all, given the many decisions you must make, don't worry - that’s perfectly normal.
Posted by Doone Morrell on 15/06/18 09:00
The cost of power can be high, and as a homeowner it can be an expense that would be great to cut back on. So what are your alternatives? Solar energy is one of these alternatives that's gaining...
Posted by Doone Morrell on 07/06/18 09:20
If you’re building a house, you’re making a huge financial investment. With all the money that goes into planning, hiring contractors, and choosing the features you want, it’s a large bet on a home...
Posted by Doone Morrell on 24/05/18 11:57
As you build the home you’ve always imagined, you’re likely thinking about a lot... such as how your family will use and grow within the space, and what changes might suit your evolving lifestyle as...
Posted by Doone Morrell on 17/05/18 10:15
Planning your dream house is an exciting venture. But of course, even with everything you have to look forward to, you also know that the new-build process comes with its challenges ‘built in’.
Posted by World Solar on 28/08/17 00:29
Building a new home can be one of the biggest life changes. Whether it’s building or renovating your forever home or taking that next step up the property ladder; there will be many choices and...